Private Lessons Available from All Instructors

Private Lessons are a great way to supplement and accelerate your LEarning in Jiu Jitsu

Contact us to be paired with an Instructor who will work with you


Private lesson is completely tailored to the wants and needs of the individual student.


Private lessons allow the instructor to completely focus on the individual student.


Feedback on technique from an experienced instructor will accelerate ability to learn


 Private Lessons can be arranged around the student’s busy schedule.


Based on experience / rank of instructor

Black Belt 4th Degree $250 Hour

Black Belt 3rd Degree $200 Hour

Black Belt 2nd Degree $150 Hour

Black Belt 1st Degree $125 Hour

Black Belt $100 Hour

Brown Belt $80 Hour

Arrangements and payment for Private Lessons should be made directly to the instructor. Instructor may opt for volume discounts.

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